If you are a local news junkie, perhaps simply reading Rochester NY newspapers Democrat and Chronicle and City Newspaper are not enough to whet your appetite. In that case, there are additional publications of which you might not be aware, which could be a great complement to your current reading.
Two other Rochester newspapers come specifically to mind, providing a more specialized focus on niche areas that their respective readerships follow. As its name suggests, The Daily Record publishes new content each day with a broader regional focus on the latest court proceedings and rulings around Western New York, new real estate transactions in the city, including foreclosures, and coverage of business activity throughout the state.
For a Rochester publication that focuses solely on local businesses and the companies and individual entrepreneurs who make things happen, the Rochester Business Journal comes out weekly. If it has to do with the comings and goings of local companies, or legislation that will affect the area business community, it will be covered by the RBJ.
Are you the kind of person who is not satisfied until you have the complete story? Checking out publications like the Rochester Business Journal and The Daily Record may very well be worthwhile. If you have questions, comments, or recommendations about what to look for in Rochester NY newspapers, be sure to share your thoughts in the forum below.