Did you know that President Obama stopped by Magnolia’s Deli and Cafe in Rochester, NY as recently as August 22, 2013? The president shook hands, regaled listeners with stories of the new White House pup “Sunny,” and sat down to discuss affordable college tuition with students and parents. Not all Rochester news stories are similarly uplifting. Whether reporting on Obama’s outings, or on more somber topics, Rochester newspapers promise variety, flair, and options.
Rochester local newspapers offer something for everyone. Rochester boasts some of New York state’s most specialized newspapers, including newspapers solely dedicated to LGBT issues, Catholic newspapers, Jewish newspapers, Spanish newspapers, and more. There are even newspapers surrounding local socialist news, and more traditional business journals.
Rochester newspapers report news and local happenings in a variety of ways. Top papers offer world news, Rochester breaking news, weather, business, sports, opinion, classifieds, obituaries, and more. News coverage and helpful information does not stop there. Rochester NY newspapers often “jazz it up” by offering news for women, food and dining reviews, Rochester history, and news about local charity events and charity sponsored races.
A cup of coffee, ink stained fingertips, and favorite advice columns… all of these things are trademarks of traditional newspapers. What many people do not realize is that newspapers, including Rochester newspapers, are taking strides right alongside technology. The majority of the city’s newspapers are available online, and on popular e-readers, too. Readers can enjoy a compact version of their favorite paper on current Kindle or Nook models, and they can bookmark favorite articles, make notes, or look up definitions on their e-readers, too.
Local news is as diverse, and as promising, as ever. Enjoy the variety, flair, and options of local Rochester, NY newspapers, whether you are reading a print copy, or whether you read news online.